1 October 2015

RSOS 10th Supp Result 2015 Name Wise rsos.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan State Open School 10th Class Supplementary Exam Result 2015, www.rsos.rajasthan.gov.in, RSOS Secondary Supp Result 2015: 

RSOS 10th Supp Exam Result 2015
Rajasthan State Open School 10th Result
The Rajasthan State Open School (RSOS) is all set to declare the result for Class 10th Supplementary Exams. RSOS conduct the examination for 10th and 12th exams for students of Rajasthan State Open Board. Supplementary Exams was conducted in last two months by the open board. Still the Exam Organization have not announced exam date for result announcement, but soon the board will declare a notice for the RSOS Supp Examinations 2015. More information about the RSOS 10th Supplementary Exam Result 2015 is given below:

RSOS 10th Supp Exam Result 2015:

The RSOS is the largest Open School Board in the Rajasthan state. Every year a huge number of students appeared in RSOS Examination like secondary and senior secondary to complete their education. RSOS is located in the capital of Rajasthan state, official address and other contact informations are also mentioned here. Students who are unable to complete their education in regularly, RSOS allow such students to complete their education. 

Official Address of RSOS: SarvaPalli Dr. Radhakrishnan Shiksha Sankul, Jawahar Lal Neharu Marg, Jaipur 302017.

Contact Number: 0141 – 2700425 (Exam Cell), Fax: 0141 – 2705067

Contact Email: rajasthansos@gmail.com

How to Check Result for RSOS 10th Class Supp Exam 2015:

Step 1: Candidates have to visit the official website of RSOS at www.rsos.rajasthan.gov.in, After log on to this website the home page of RSOS Portal will automatically opened. 

Step 2: Now candidates have to follow the Exam Result link available at the right side bar. Result link may found in the middle of menu bar. 

Step 3: After selecting the Exam Result link, board website will display all the declared exam result here. Candidates can easily select respective link to check result. 

Step 4: Click on 10th Supplementary Exam Result 2015 link and this will open a new web page for result. Enter required information in the empty box and press enter. 

Step 5: This will show the exam result on the computer screen. Take a print of exam result for future reference.

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