16 September 2016

RPSC RAS Pre Result 2016 Cut Off Marks General OBC SBC ST SC

Rajasthan Public Service Commission RAS RTS TPS Prelims Result 2016 Announced, Rajasthan Administration Services Category Wise Cut Off Marks, RPSC RAS RTS TPS Pre Result & Cut Off for General OBC SBC ST SC Category Students.

RPSC RAS RTS Result 2016

RPSC surprised everyone this Thursday (15th September 2016) by announcing RAS Pre 2016 Result which was organized in last month (28th August 2016). This is first when RPSC announced result of any competition exam just after 18 days from exam date.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission held the RAS Pre exam for the recruitment of 334 RAS Officers, 29 TPS and 362 RTS Officers.

RAS Pre 2016 Exam Appeared Candidates Status

Total 4,08,860 candidates have applied for RPSC RAS 2016 Exam, while 3,03,721 candidates have appeared on the exam day. 1,04,939 candidates haven't attended RPSC RAS Pre Exam.

Why RPSC Announced Exam Result So Early?

RAS RTS Pre Cut Off Marks Category Wise Result 2016
RAS Pre Result 2016
The commission was previously set to declare the exam result on 18th September 2016 but the RPSC Chief Mr. Lalit Panwar suddenly announced the result without any prior notice or news.

RPSC conducted RAS Pre exam online first time and it's the reason for so early result announcement.

According to some sources RPSC declared result so early to improve it's reputation in government job seekers candidates. Last three year wasn't good for the biggest recruitment agency in Rajasthan state.
RAS 2013, LDC, Teacher vacancies and many more other exams wasn't conducted on time and get too late from announced schedule, so it could be a step from RPSC towards making good exam organizer reputation among candidates.

RPSC RAS Pre 2016 Cut Off Marks (Category Wise)

  • GEN - 78.54
  • OBC - 94.98
  • SBC - 80.82
  • SC - 71.69
  • ST - 72.26
Surprisingly the cut off marks for General category is lower then OBC and SBC category. Well highest cut off announced for the OBC candidates with 94.98 which is more then any other category. SBC Category grabbed second place in cut off list with 80.82. Third place is secured by genral category with 78.54, fourth and fifth respectively grabbed by ST and SC category with 72.26 and 71.69. 

RPSC RAS Main Exam Date Announced

The RPSC revealed a lot about the RPSC RAS Main Exam, according to the official announcement RAS Main is to held on two day in the month of December and the exact dates are (26th and 27th December 2016).
  • RPSC RAS Main Exam Date - 26th & 27th December 2016
Admit Card (Hall Ticket) for the RAS Main Exam will be uploaded in November 2016, which is almost before one month of main exam.

RPSC RAS Pre Result 2016 Conclusion

Everyone know about the exam history of RPSC but honestly RPSC did a amazing job this time, even more similar to UPSC. like conducted online exam first time and announced result within 18 day from the date of exam. 

Hope RPSC will keep conducting exam like RAS Pre 2016 
धन्यवाद दोस्तो, RPSC RAS Pre 2016 Result को सोशियल मिडिया पर शेयर करे व उन्हे इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारि से अवगत कराये |


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