All india Pre Medical Test Re Exam Result declaration date and Official answer key announced on 12th August and 13th August 2015. Candidates can check official Answer key and Paper solution from link given below. If any student found error in the answer key then he she can a application regarding this at official website. Date of challenging will same day as the answer key will be announced and second day only. After both dates any candidate will not able to submit the challenging request. More information about the AIPMT Re Exam Answer key and Result Date is given below
AIPMT RE Test Result Date and Details 2015:
All india pre medical test is conducted for admission in medical and dentist course admission. Eligible students who will get cut off marks more than the officially announced cut off, he she will admission in top colleges across India. Appeared students are now looking for their re exam result.
Date of Display
Dates for Challenging
Display of OMR Sheets
10th August 2015 Monday 10:00 am
to 11th August 2015 Midnight 12:00
10th August 2015 Monday 10:00 am
11th August 2015 Tuesday 2015 Midnight 12:00
Display of Answer Key
12th August 2015 Wednesday 10:00 am to
13th August 2015 Thursday 12:00 midnight
12th August 2015 Wednesday 2015 to
13th August 2015 Thursday 12:00 midnight
Candidates who want to challenge the answer key they should visit for further purpose. Candidates willing to challenge any response in their OMR Sheet or Answer of any question given in the answer key issued by the CBSE. Offline requests and requests after due time will not be entertained in this regard.
The decision of the CBSE in the matter shall be final. No Further communication will be entertained after the last date and only valid & complete representation received online with fee, within the time frame, shall only be examined as per the instruction.
Candidates can submit their request at official website or comment below for further updates.