20 October 2015

UPSC CDS 2015 Admit Card Download Hall Ticket upsc.gov.in

CDS 2 Exam Admit Card 2015
UPSC CDS Admit Card Download
The Union Public Service Commission Combined Defence Service 2 Exam Admit Card Download from www.upsconline.nic.in, Get UPSC CDS Hall Ticket for 01st November 2015 Exam:

UPSC has been issued the Admit Card for CDS 2 (Combined Defence Service) exam held on 01st November 2015. Candidates can download hall ticket by entering correct information of exam aspirant. Hall Ticket or Admit Card is essential to enter in exam hall to attempt CDS 2 Paper on examination day. CDS – II Admit Card are available at official online portal of UPSC. Check out more useful information about CDS 2 Exam Admit Card 2015.

UPSC CDS 2 Hall Ticket 2015:

Hall Ticket for CDS 2 Exam had uploaded to official website on 09th October 2015 while written paper is held on first of November 2015. Candidates who have registered for CDS 2 Exam, they can download admit card by choosing Registration ID, Roll Number & Name Wise option. Details for each option is given below with screen shot for your comfort. Before you download admit card, you can check Schedule for CDS 2 Exam 2015. 

CDS 2 Exam Schedule 2015:

Admit Card availability date
09th October 2015
Date of written Examination
01st November 2015
Result announcement date (expected)
February 2015

Candidate should read steps very carefully & if they have any issue then comment below instantly, we will resolve it.

Step 1: Visit official website of UPSC at www.upsc.gov.in. Now check out “What’s New” box at the right side bar. Find “e-Admit Card - Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2015” link and click on it. This link will redirect you to admit card downloading page. A screen shot of admit card page is pasted below. 

Step 2
Step 2: Now candidate click in the last tab of table link “click here”. List of instruction for examination will appear here, it is must for all exam aspirants to print and read these instructions. Scroll download and click to yes button. 

Step 3
Step 3: Candidates can download hall ticket for CDS 2 Exam by choosing any option given on the screen. For option one “By Registration ID” follow step 4.

Step 4
Step 4: Enter candidate’s 11 digit registration ID in first text box and DOB in second Text box with security code (Confirm Random Image) and click to submit button. For option one “By Roll Number” follow step 5.

Step 5
Step 5: To download admit card using Roll Number Enter candidate’s roll number & dob with security image code. Click on submit button and print admit card. . For option one “By Name” follow step 6.

 Step 6
Step 6: Candidate have to enter his / her Name and Father’s name with date of birth. Enter security image code and click to submit. 

Step 7: Print hall ticket on A4 size paper only, read exam details mentioned on admit card carefully. Carry admit card to exam hall during examination. 

Download Admit Card for CDS 2 Exam 

Exam Pattern for UPSC CDS  2015:

There are two papers for UPSC CDS one for Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and another is for Officer post. First exam contains questions from English Language, General Knowledge, Elementary Mathematics. Paper for each subject will different and contains 100 marks, candidates have to solve this paper in 2 hours.

Exam Scheme for IMA, INA & AFA
Subject Paper
Time Duration
English Language
120 Minutes
GK (General Knowledge)
120 Minutes
Elementary Mathematics
120 Minutes
Exam Scheme for Officers Training Academy
English Language
120 Minutes
GK (General Knowledge)
120 Minutes

Candidates have very less time to download their admit card from the official website. While appearing in the exam hall candidates must keep a copy of admit card on A4 size paper with a valid photo ID Card.

We want to advise all the exam aspirants that they must study using official syllabus of CDS only. Syllabus for CDS 1 and CDS 2 is same for all subjects. Candidates can also make preparation using previous year papers. After solving previous year’s papers they will get enough confidence to solve exam paper in limited time.

Comment below for any help from our side. 


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