Rajasthan University Second 2nd Cut Off List 2016 Uniraj BA, B.Com B.Sc UG Admission Cut Off List 2016 Announced at www.uniraj.edu.in: Students who are looking for Rajasthan University Second Cut Off List for UG Admissions in Rajasthan College, Maharaja College, Maharani College, Commerce College. First Cut Off List had declared on 30th June 2015, and admission process is currently going on. Students who didn't secure place in first cut off list they have very good chance of admission in Rajasthan University and in constitution college. More information about RU 2nd Cut Off List 2016 is given below:
Rajasthan University 2nd Cut Off List 2016:
Rajasthan University 2nd Cut Off |
RU will officially announce Second Cut Off List on 04th June 2016. First Cut off list has been announced for 75% seats of total seats. Students are eagerly waiting for Uniraj Second Cut Off List because they want admission in Rajasthan University. Varsity has already announced notice regarding second cut off list on it's official website.
Last date for first cut off admission fee submission was Friday (Not for Commerce college), Rajasthan University has issued percentile based cut off list (admission merit list) on Thursday evening. According to RU Experts 2nd Cut off List will have more admission chance for students who have scored average. University will announce Second Cut Off List for remaining 40% seats.
Admission percentage may be down from 2% to 3% in all colleges. Students can check College Wise 2nd Cut Off List from here like Maharani College, Commerce College, Maharaja College and Rajasthan College (University of Arts).
Maharani College 2nd Cut Off List 2016 BA, B.Com B.Sc:
Principle of Maharani College Vidhya Jain said in an interview that, "Maharani College have 2200 seats for all courses, a lot of girls already have submitted fee to complete the admission process. Some students are filling option form more than one, this may increase the admission possibilities."
Maharaja College Second Cut Off List 2016 B.Sc Maths Bio Honors:
Students who want to seek admission in Maharaja College they have lot of opportunities in college admissions. Science Second Cut Off list will have difference of 2% to max 3% according to college experts. Maharaja College have total 480 seats for various courses in B.Sc Mathematics Biology and Honors Subjects. Still More than half of seats have to filled by 2nd and third cut off list.
Maharaja College Second Cut Off List 2016 B.Sc Maths Bio Honors:
Students who want to seek admission in Maharaja College they have lot of opportunities in college admissions. Science Second Cut Off list will have difference of 2% to max 3% according to college experts. Maharaja College have total 480 seats for various courses in B.Sc Mathematics Biology and Honors Subjects. Still More than half of seats have to filled by 2nd and third cut off list.
Commerce College 2nd Cut Off List 2016 for B.Com BBA:
Well Commerce college have highest admission competition in Rajasthan University. More than half of total seats have been filled and students have submitted fees, Commerce College have total 660 seats for Commerce Courses in B.Com and BBA, College also organize exams for Commerce Honors courses.
We will update this page as Cut Off List will be declared on official website.
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